Property Maintenance
Mourad Group provides simple solutions for the maintenance of your property whether it be residential or commercial. MG has specialized in property management since the inception of the company over 20 years ago.
Request for seasonal maintenance such as grass, snow or parking lot sweeping. We also take specialized owner requests for maintenance. Regardless of the nature of work, we are able to bring you a proper estimate in order to take the right steps into maintaining your property. Electrical repair, insulation or ventilation, whatever your property needs order to serve you or your customers better, we’re on it!
Call us today in regards to any questions or for more information.
908 4th Street NW
Slave Lake, AB
T0G 2A1
Phone : 780-849-6990
24 Hour Service : 1-888-851-6990
Fax: 780-849-6091
4446 Eleniak Rd NW,
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2N1
Phone : 780-849-6990
24 Hour Service : 1-888-851-6990
Fax: 780-849-6091