Snow Removal
Mourad Group is a name known to specialize in snow removal. Business, Commercial & Industrial, MG is equipped with all the equipment necessary to handle virtually any snow removal job. When it comes to snow services, MG is a well known name in the community. Maybe you’re a contractor needing extra manpower, or maybe you want a last minute job done. Whatever it may be, MG is here for you.
Call us today at 780-849-6990 or toll free at 1-888-851-6990 for any questions or a consultation.
908 4th Street NW
Slave Lake, AB
T0G 2A1
Phone : 780-849-6990
24 Hour Service : 1-888-851-6990
Fax: 780-849-6091
4446 Eleniak Rd NW,
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2N1
Phone : 780-849-6990
24 Hour Service : 1-888-851-6990
Fax: 780-849-6091